and the final is in the post below. I'm thinking about applying for a cleanup internship position so I'll be posting a lot of my line work later on. I loooove linearting ahhhhhhh.
I got new boots during my boxing day shopping so I decide to draw a little something for myself because I LOVE THESE BOOTS SO MUCH. I hope everyone's christmas was as wonderful as mine was and I hope the rest of your holidays go just as well<3 !!
I haven't drawn with my tablet in..I think more than a week so this was just practice to get back into it again hhaha it felt so weird but I got the hang of it eventually. This is my friends, boyfriend and I as dogs.
Barkbark, woof woof.
I got back from Florida last night and I'm still a little upset about it. I didn't want to leave...emotional chelsea is emotional.
LOOK AT ALL THIS DERP some scans from my sketchbook, as well as lineart for a reference I'm working on for my boyfriend. Dating me, you end up being drawn as a dog. It can't be stopped. I'm lucky he lets me and still loves me hahah. I've been drawing SO MANY PONIES it's been a while since I've drawn dogs. No, seriously. It was really nice drawing them again! I forgot how fun they are
two commissions I finished last night before that crazy lightning storm raped my cable. At least I still had power but...watching movies only entertains me for so long.
ah well. I'm glad it's back I can work on..more....commissions...-weep-
yeah I drew all the main characters of MLP
wanna fight about it?
I love the animation and the style of the show so much!! Watching it is super fantastical ~*~*~*
I'm horrible with sizing so sorry if it's like really small. I'll get better xD;
Hi! I'm Chelsea and I'm taking the Animation program at Sheridan~ I sketch...a lot but it all depends on if I forget about this place lol or have the time to scan them all in.
Hope you like!! Toodles my little dumplings~ <3